The Good Old Days [SEC=UNOFFICIAL]
Richard James HILLS
2014-04-15 03:40:08 UTC

Oxford English Dictionary, Teacher Notes:

The assembled audiences for The Good Old Days were expected to dress in
period costume (and stick-on side-whiskers and fake moustaches!) and 'ooh'
and 'aah' in all the appropriate places as Sachs introduced the next act with
alliterative attacks of alarming alacrity in a constipated display of
perspicacious polysyllabic peripatetics, culminating in the banging of his
gavel, which heralded the appearance of a teaming torrent of tempting talent
-for our delight and delectation, naturally.
Sorrowfully, I have a protégé who has taken up directing and she "loves"
it. The most important advice I could give her is not to subscribe to blml.
Unlike 20 years ago when authoritative posts by DWS, John Probst,
Grattan, the Danish guy, the Russian guy, Alan le Bendig etc. could be
relied upon to illuminate the correct interpretation of the pre 2007 FLB,
these days it would be very difficult for a neophyte to detect the gurus
from the heretics, or the merely insane. There are better forums around
to learn about rulings, or check on interpretations.
Grattan Endicott, blml posting from the good old day of 13th June 2007:

+=+ The sadness is that the whole is tainted by the rottenness of a
percentage of the ingredients. Blml allows of an infinite variety of
opinion. This is good. But when a long-winded contributor makes
repetitive assertions as to the Laws of the game, not as opinions of what
is desirable but rather professing an interpretation of Law at variance with
the proper - authorized - interpretation, the value and credibility of the
whole discussion becomes diminished, corrupted, noisome. People turn
aside from the stench, not persevering with research of the wholesome
parts for what golden truths and pearls of wisdom may lie there. ~ G ~ +=+


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